Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 has multiple ancestral origins

Rede Neurogenetica

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a dominant neurodegenerative disorder due to expansions of a CAG repeat tract (CAGexp) at the ATXN2 gene. Previous studies found only one ancestral haplotype worldwide, with a C allele at rs695871. This homogeneity was unexpected, given the severe anticipations related to SCA2. We aimed to describe informative ancestral haplotypes found in South American SCA2 families. Methods: Seventy-seven SCA2 index cases were recruited from Brazil, Peru, and Uruguay; 263 normal chromosomes were used as controls. The SNPs rs9300319, rs3809274, rs695871, rs1236900 and rs593226, and the STRs D12S1329, D12S1333, D12S1672 and D12S1332, were used to reconstruct haplotypes. Results: Eleven ancestral haplotypes were found in SCA2 families. The most frequent ones were A-G-C-C-C (46.7 % of families), G-C-C-C-C (24.6 %) and A-C-C-C-C (10.3 %) and their mean (sd) CAGexp were 41.68 (3.55), 40.42 (4.11) and 45.67 (9.70) (p = 0.055), respectively. In contrast, the mean (sd) CAG lengths at normal alleles grouped per haplotypes G-C-G-A-T, A-G-C-C-C and G-C-C-C-C were 22.97 (3.93), 23.85 (3.59), and 30.81 (4.27) (p < 0.001), respectively. The other SCA2 haplotypes were rare: among them, a G-C-G-A-T lineage was found, evidencing a G allele in rs695871. Conclusion: We identified several distinct ancestral haplotypes in SCA2 families, including an unexpected lineage with a G allele at rs695871, a variation never found in hundreds of SCA2 patients studied worldwide. SCA2 has multiple origins in South America, and more studies should be done in other regions of the world.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105985
JournalParkinsonism and Related Disorders
StatePublished - Mar 2024


  • Ancestral origin
  • Haplotypes
  • Polymorphic markers
  • SCA2
  • Spinocerebellar ataxia 2


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