Prevalence of Childhood Obesity by Sex and Regions in Peru, 2015

Akram Hernández-Vásquez, Guido Bendezú-Quispe, Marilina Santero, Diego Azañedo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


OBJECTIVE: Childhood obesity is a global problem, sociodemographic and cultural factors influence its presence. An analysis of disparities in the prevalence of childhood obesity in Peru was made by sex and region in 2015.

METHODS: Analysis of the information reported by the Sistema de Información del Estado Nutricional of the number of obesity cases in 2,336,791 children under five years, evaluated in public health facilities during 2015. The distribution of obesity cases was analyzed by sex and region of residence, also a spatial projection of the regional prevalence of obesity and the prevalence differences between men and women was performed.

RESULTS: Data from 2,336,791 children under five was analyzed. An obesity prevalence of 1.52% (girls: 1.3% and boys: 1.7%) was found; the highest prevalence were observed in urban areas (girls: 1.5% and boys: 1.9%) and on the Costa (girls: 1.9% and boys: 2.5%). Highest prevalence of obesity were in Tacna (girls: 3.2% y boys: 3.9%), Moquegua (girls: 2.4% y boys: 3.1%) and Callao (girls: 2.3% y boys: 2.8%).

CONCLUSIONS: Childhood obesity predominates on the coast and in urban areas of Peru particularly among boys. The regions of higher prevalence of obesity were Tacna Moquegua and Callao.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e1-e10
JournalRevista espanola de salud publica
StatePublished - 13 Sep 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Child
  • Child Nutrition Disorders
  • Child, Preschool
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Health Information Systems
  • Obesity
  • Peru


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