Palatal root surgery of a maxillary molar using a piezosurgery transantral approach with simultaneous sinus lift grafting: a case report

J. J. Silberman, B. I. Moldauer, J. Torres, C. Gallardo, D. Sanabria-Liviac

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Aim: To report a case involving transantral palatal root piezoelectric surgery followed by a sinus floor augmentation procedure with the purpose of minimizing and managing complications associated with sinus lining perforations and optimizing bone regeneration at the site of the surgical defect. Summary: An asymptomatic 28-year-old male patient with the diagnosis of chronic apical periodontitis on a previously root filled right maxillary first molar (FDI tooth 16) and second premolar (No. 15) was managed by transantral apical surgery. Cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) revealed the position of the palatal root of the first molar within the maxillary sinus. The case highlights the management of the palatal root and the handling of a perforation of the Schneiderian membrane through a combination of piezosurgery and a sinus lift grafting procedure involving a second-generation of platelet concentrates. No postoperative complications were observed. Sinus bone augmentation after a 26-month recall period was confirmed by CBCT in the clinically asymptomatic teeth. Key learning points: The selective bone tissue cutting and enhanced visibility obtained by piezoelectric surgery in comparison with current rotary techniques make this technology the preferred tool for apical surgery when the mucosal lining of the maxillary sinus could be compromised. The wound healing and physical properties of the platelet-rich fibrin membranes in combination with an allograft material can be considered as sinus bone graft options when a transantral approach is performed on a palatal root of a maxillary molar. A preoperative tomographic examination is essential for apical surgery using a transantral approach with sinus bone augmentation, because of the information obtained from the axial and coronal views on the CBCT scan.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)464-475
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Endodontic Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2021


  • CBCT assessment
  • apical surgery
  • platelet-rich fibrin
  • sinus lift
  • transantral approach


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