Methodology for merging multispectral and radar satellite images

Wilver Auccahuasi, Juan Grados, Nicanor Benites, Jacob Astocondor, Santiago Rubiños, Christian Ovalle, Edward Flores

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The satellite images present us with information of the terrestrial coverage, making a record of large extensions of land between 15 to 60 kilometers wide up to 300 kilometers long, the resolutions are also between 0.50 centimeters up to 30 meters equivalent to each pixel in The image, for this characteristic, is of the utmost importance for the analysis of large land extensions, for different applications. In the development of studies on satellite images, we find two types that present very different information from the same registered area, first we have the optical images, one of its advantages is that they provide multispectral images, consisting of the color bands R, G, B, panchromatic, near infrared, among others, and as a disadvantage it presents that it can only be acquired in the day and when the weather conditions allow it, so if there is a cloud cover, the acquired images only resgit the clouds instead of land cover; A technological alternative to this problem of cloud cover is the registration of the land cover using radar satellite images, this type of acquisition allows the registration of the land cover even at night and when there is a presence of cloud cover. In the present work a methodology is described to be able to merge optical satellite images and radar satellite images in order to be able to improve the information that is had in each one of them, the methodology tests were carried out by means of a climatological event produced by the excess rainfall, which causes the flooding of the river affecting urban and crop areas, the result shows that radar images provide information on the presence of water, even when there is a cloud cover, therefore the merged image (RGB) presents information of the Red and Green spectral bands of the optical image and the Blue band corresponds to the radar image, the resulting image can help in mitigating the effects of possible natural disasters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2054-2057
Number of pages4
JournalInternational Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2020


  • Color bands
  • Image processing
  • Radar
  • Satellite image
  • Segmentation


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