Feedback as a Key Factor in the Development of Teamwork in Undergraduate Students at a Kurdish University

Gleny Secibel Jara-Llanos, Félix José Colina-Ysea, Irene Roxana Abad-Lezama, Nathalí Pantigoso-Leython, Walter Pomahuacre-Gómez, Betty Marlene Lavado-Rojas, Edith Consuelo Zárate-Aliaga, Liliana Isabel Castillo-Vento

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Formative feedback and teamwork should become transversal axes of educational action, generating new ways of learning. The objective of the research was to determine the influence of teacher feedback on the teamwork of undergraduate students at a Kurdish university, and to determine the impact of strategies and content, as dimensions of teacher feedback, on the dependent variable. It followed the positivist paradigm, under the quantitative approach, non-experimental and explanatory design. The sample was defined by 172 undergraduate students from a Kurdish university. The technique was the survey and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. The result of the R-squared value obtained shows that feedback explains with an adjusted percentage of 41.7% (McFadden= 0.417) the level of teamwork evidenced by the students. It is concluded that there is significant influence of teaching feedback and teamwork in undergraduate students of a Kurdish university, contributing to the academic and professional training of students. Formative feedback should become a daily strategy that allows the educational actors involved in the process to learn to unlearn in order to build new knowledge, encouraging teamwork under a systemic vision.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)338-350
Number of pages13
JournalKurdish Studies
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2024


  • formative feedback
  • integration
  • reflection
  • teamwork
  • university students


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