Ensayos ecotoxicológicos para evaluar antibióticos y ansiolíticos en el ambiente acuático1

Translated title of the contribution: Ecotoxicological tests to evaluate antibiotics and ansiolytics in the aquatic environment

Malory García-Alcalde, David Minaya, Lorena Alvariño, José Iannacone, Amparo Rodríguez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Introduction. The drugs for human use cause environmental and non-target organism damage in the aquatic environment. Objective. Evaluate through ecotoxicological tests, an antibiotic and an anxiolytic of intensive use on Artemia franciscana “brine shrimp” and Excirolana braziliensis “marine isopod” were exposed to Oxytetracycline (OX), and Apohyale grandicornis “marine amphipod” was exposed to Alprazolam (AL). Materials and methods. A. franciscana and E. braziliensis individuals were exposed to OX, and A. grandicornis was exposed to AL. The number of living and dead organisms was counted in each of the dilutions at 24 and 48 h of exposure. Results. It was noted in A. franciscana that, at 48 h of exposure, the LC50 (Mean Lethal Concentration) of OX was 31 % more sensitive compared to 24 h of exposure. It was seen in E. braziliensis that, at 48 h of exposure, the LC50 of OX was 93 % more sensitive compared to 24 h of exposure. It was observed in A. grandicornis that, at 48 h of exposure, the LC50 of LA was 69 % higher in sensitive compared to 24 h exposure. The toxicological cataloging for OX in A. franciscana considered this drug as non-toxic and in E. braziliensis moderately toxic. LA in A. grandicornis was moderately toxic. Conclusions. These three bioindicators made it possible to evaluate the toxicity in the aquatic environment of pharmaceutical products of intensive use during the Covid-19 period.

Translated title of the contributionEcotoxicological tests to evaluate antibiotics and ansiolytics in the aquatic environment
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)64-84
Number of pages21
JournalProduccion y Limpia
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2023


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