Design of a mobile application for the vaccination registry of children under 5 years

Miriam Senaida Chaupi Alvarez, Erick Arturo Loja Ponce, Wilver Auccahuasi

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Information and Communication Technologies are allowing to improve the development of certain processes optimizing the management of information for users, as in the case of the vaccination control process to digitize the use of the vaccination card, being very important for the registration of the administration of vaccines to the child during his five years. This information should be easily accessible and available to parents and health personnel during each stage of vaccination. In the present work we developed a mobile application called Children's Vaccine, with the purpose of registering and storing vaccine data (type, date and place of vaccination), as well as relevant information for the management of vaccines, the prototype developed was implemented in the health Center: Juan Pablo II Maternal and Child Center located in the District of Villa el Salvador, in Lima, Peru, in order to improve the quality of the service of attention. We present the results as performance tests to measure the influence of the application, this evaluation was carried out through an observation sheet with the comparison of records before and after the use of the application called "pre-test"and "post-test". This application is applicable and scalable for various health centers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012016
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022
Event8th International Virtual Conference on Biosignals, Images, and Instrumentation, ICBSII 2022 - Kalavakkam, Virtual, India
Duration: 16 Mar 202218 Mar 2022


  • Health
  • Mobile Application (App)
  • Technologies
  • Vaccination Registry


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