Correction to: The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests (Journal of Applied Phycology, (2024), 36, 2, (951-964), 10.1007/s10811-023-03103-y)

Aaron Eger, J. David Aguirre, María Altamirano, Nur Arafeh‑Dalmau, Nina Larissa Arroyo, Anne M. Bauer‑Civiello, Rodrigo Beas‑Luna, Trine Bekkby, Alecia Bellgrove, Scott Bennett, Blanca Bernal, Caitlin O. Blain, Jordi Boada, Simon Branigan, Jasmine Bursic, Bruno Cevallos, Chang Geun Choi, Sean D. Connell, Christopher Edward Cornwall, Hannah Scarlett EarpNorah Eddy, Lee‑Ann Ennis, Annalisa Falace, Ana Margarida Ferreira, Karen Filbee‑Dexter, Hunter Forbes, Prue Francis, Joao N. Franco, Karen Gray Geisler, Anita Giraldo‑Ospina, Alejandra V. Gonzalez, Swati Hingorani, Rietta Hohman, Ljiljana Iveša, Sara Kaleb, John P. Keane, Sophie J.I. Koch, Kira Krumhansl, Lydia Ladah, Dallas J. Lafont, Cayne Layton, Duong Minh Le, Lynn Chi Lee, Scott D. Ling, Steve I. Lonhart, Luis Malpica‑Cruz, Luisa Mangialajo, Amy McConnell, Tristin Anoush McHugh, Fiorenza Micheli, Kelsey Irene Miller, Margalida Monserrat, Juan Montes‑Herrera, Bernabé Moreno, Christopher J. Neufeld, Shane Orchard, Betsy Peabody, Ohad Peleg, Albert Pessarrodona, Jacqueline B. Pocklington, Simon E. Reeves, Aurora M. Ricart, Finnley Ross, Federica Romina Schanz, Maria Schreider, Mohammad Sedarat, Shannen M. Smith, Samuel Starko, Elisabeth M.A. Strain, Laura Tamburello, Brian Timmer, Jodie E. Toft, Roberto A. Uribe, Sander W.K. van den Burg, Julio A. Vásquez, Reina J. Veenhof, Thomas Wernberg, Georgina Wood, José Alberto Zepeda‑Dominguez, Adriana Vergès

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


In this article the author name Aaron Eger was written twice, Alecia was missing, and Christopher Edward Cornwall should be Christopher Edward. The original article has been corrected.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)965-967
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Applied Phycology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2024


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