Cancer cases detected in the prevention and control service of a private cancer clinic in Peru

José Revilla-López, Andrea Anampa-Guzmán, Luis Casanova Marquez, Katrina Weeks, Suzanne Pollard, Adriel Olórtegui-Yzú, Mariá Ruiz-Velazco, Alba Davila-Edquen, Daniel Castro-Dorer, Juan Wong-Barrenechea, Jossira Abad-Seminario, Pamela Gonzáles-Ramos, Fiorella Rivera-Sandoval, Carlos Carracedo-Gonzáles

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Purpose: Describe the characteristics of patients seen at the Cancer Prevention and Control Service at a Peruvian private cancer clinic in 2014. Patients and methods: This retrospective clinical study analyzed the prevalence of 10 cancers and characteristics of patients seen at a private cancer center located in Lima, Peru. The study sample included 7680 adults, and data were collected from de-identified medical records. Results: The average age of the patients was 44.71 years and 98,82% of them had private insurance. The majority of patients were women (67.69%). Our gross incidence rate of cancer was 35.16 per 100,000 in the Cancer Prevention and Control Service in 2014. Only 0.35% had cancer, and most of those diagnosed with cancer (77.78%) were diagnosed in the early stages, stages I and II. The two most common cancers observed were breast and thyroid cancer. Conclusions: The high rates of early, rather than late-stage diagnoses at this clinic are dramatically different than national rates. This difference may be because we are analyzing data from a prevention service seeing mainly patients with private insurance as opposed to national data, which consists primarily of patients seen in oncologic services with national insurance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number44
JournalInfectious Agents and Cancer
Issue number1
StatePublished - 29 Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Diagnosis
  • Early detection of cancer
  • Mass screening
  • Oncology


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