Calidad de servicio y satisfacción del cliente en una empresa comercializadora de sistemas de climatización doméstica e industrial, distrito de Surquillo (Lima - Perú), 2021

Delia Malpartida-Meza, Amiel Granada-López, Hugo Jesús Salas-Canales

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


ABSTRACT During recent times, the understanding and study of the customer needs and how companies can allocate efforts to satisfy them in the best way, has become a matter of concern, since these are key factors for success of any business. For this reason, the general purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between the service quality and customer satisfaction in a company that sells air conditioning systems that is located in Surquillo district (Lima-Peru), which was developed under the quantitative approach, with a non-experimental correlational-causal cross-sectional design. For the collection of information, a structured Likert questionnaire was used, whose items complied with the psychometric properties of validity (by expert judgment) and reliability (through the McDonald's omega coefficient); in addition, it was applied to 100 customers who made purchases in 2021. After the processing of the data, executed with the open source software JASP version 0.16.1, the existence of a strong and significant correlation of 0.822 between the variables of the research was concluded; similarly, between each of the dimensions of the service quality variable and customer satisfaction (strong correlations were found).
Original languageSpanish (Peru)
Pages (from-to)23-35
Number of pages13
JournalRevista Científica de la UCSA
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2022

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