Análisis in silico y expresión génica del factor de transcripción TgNAC01 implicado en xilogénesis y estrés abiótico en tectona grandis

Translated title of the contribution: In silico analysis and gene expression of TgNAC01 transcription factor involved in xylogenesis and abiotic stress in tectona grandis

Vladimir Camel Paucar, Esteban Galeano, Helaine Carrer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Secondary xylem is the most abundant component of plant biomass. Therefore, knowing the genes that regulate its formation would help to design strategies for wood genetic improvement. Thus, the objective of this work was to perform computational analysis of the primary and secondary structure of the TgNAC01 transcription factor (FT) of Tectona grandis, and to evaluate its evolutionary history, conserved domains and gene expression in lignified tissues of trees with 12 and 60 years old. For this, an ionelectron interaction potential (IEP) was evaluated using the information-spectrum method (IEM) using the R-Project and SFAPS library, followed by structural modeling using the MODELLER software and visualized by PyMol program. In addition, the analysis of multiple sequence alignment and phylogeny was performed using Bioedit and MrBayes software, respectively. We also evaluated the qRT-PCR levels of TgNAC01. As results, it was found that TgNAC01 maintains a twisted antiparallel β-sheet structure, which is compacted against an α-helix in the N-terminal region, having three α-helix domains and seven folded β-domains. Also, through the IEM, it was demonstrated that it has about five biological functions, and mutations on amino acids with higher IEP, which leads to evolutions on genetic regulation networks. Finally, the FT TgNAC01 could play an esential role in the organization and development of the parts that make up the sapwood, such as the radial cells of the cambial zone, the vessels, fibers and the growth rings.

Translated title of the contributionIn silico analysis and gene expression of TgNAC01 transcription factor involved in xylogenesis and abiotic stress in tectona grandis
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)359-369
Number of pages11
JournalActa Biologica Colombiana
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


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