7 topics that business ecosystems navigate: Assessment of scientific activity and future research agenda

Lorena C. Espina-Romero, Jesús M. Guerrero-Alcedo, Carlos Ossio

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Business Ecosystems are made up of a group of companies that cooperate with each other to innovate in a product. This research had the purpose of assessing the scientific activity and thus be able to extract the topics explored by the authors involved, geographical gaps of scientific production and research topics for future studies. In the methodological design, the statistical software VOSviewer and RStudio were used, with which the documentation obtained from Scopus was analyzed and reflected in tables and figures. The results yielded: a) the 7 topics most worked on by researchers on the variable in question, b) a notable geographical scientific gap in Africa, and c) 5 topics of research that can be explored for future scientific papers. In short, this research was performed with high citation documents, therefore, authors are recommended to carry out research in collaboration with authors located in the geographical scientific gap or vice versa but based on the 5 topics of future research, in the niche topics and a declining topic.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere16667
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2023


  • Blockchain
  • Dynamic capabilities
  • Electromobility
  • Enterprise architectures
  • Identity


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